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Andrea Juhan

Moving In- Episode 1

Feb 18, 2018

Do you yearn for peace of mind, someplace where your thoughts can enhance or support your experience rather than over-stimulate, bombard, or abandon you? The mind is a beautiful dancer and, like everything else, the movement of mind is a dance. When it moves freely, the mind is fluid, rich, rhythmic, brilliant, and wise.  Too often, we compartmentalize ourselves; we forget the simple truth that our head is a part of our body. Of course, the mind can be a dangerous place when it clouds our experience and causes us to lose touch with our bodies and emotions or with the people and the environment around us.  Being caught in repetitive loops of thinking and hearing the voices of criticism or judgment is painful, limiting, and no fun.  But when we cut ourselves off from ‘Mind’ because we don’t like the quality of our thoughts, we disconnect from a vast and valuable resource - a tremendous well of creativity, energy, innovation, inspiration, and focus.

In this episode of “Moving In – Conversations on Conscious Dance”, Open Floor teacher, Andrea Juhan, Ph.D., explains how you can use movement as a resource to turn what's happening in your mind into a dance. Andrea and her husband, Vic Cooper have the good fortune and privilege to be able to travel around the world teaching Open Floor movement and dance. In 2018, they were in New Zealand for a workshop on Libido and for the final module of the NZ Open Floor teacher training. Many of the scenes in this film are from their travels there.  

One of the intentions of this vlog was to have some fun and to show the Open Floor Movement Practice, along with letting you meet some of the wonderful people they worked with – like Geordie Jahner – who generously opened her home and heart to them and who has been a powerful force in promoting dance as a healing art in New Zealand and around the world. Also, this vlog, introduces Liat Lev-Sokal and Henry Fowkes , Open Floor Teachers, who supported Andrea and Vic on this journey with much willingness and rock solid enthusiasm.  

We know that many of you are not yet able to dance freely when and wherever you want to. We hope these videos to inspire you to take your next step towards what you love and to make that movement a dance.